Legal Notice:

Pellowah  and Reiki are relaxation and stress reduction techniques. I do not diagnose or prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. Reiki and Pellowah practitioners are not currently licensed in the US. I am not a licensed physician, and that Reiki  and Pellowah are complementary to and separate from medical services licensed by the state.

It’s up to you, the individual, to assess whether you are ready for the treatment or yoga class that you have chosen. The practice of yoga requires you – the student in practice – to gauge the safety of your practice within your personal physical limitations. Keep in mind that yoga might be challenging at times, but it should never be painful. It’s important to always listen to your body and only work within your personal limitations.

If you suffer from specific injuries or diseases, it is best to consult your doctor first.

If you are pregnant, I recommend gaining advisement from a yoga practitioner that specializes in Pregnancy Yoga and with your doctor or  Midwife. 




Do refrain from taking my images and text:

All photos and artworks on this site are by Kyra Oriana and belong to Kyra Oriana. 

Notice: No Duplication of Images or Text from

We kindly ask that you do not duplicate any images or text from our website, All content on the website is copyrighted and owned by Kyra Oriana. Any unauthorized use of our content may result in legal action.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!


Kyra: Pellowah, Reiki, and Kundalini Yoga


©Copyright. All rights reserved. Kyra 2022